Many times when you’re surfing the Internet you come across an image you would like to save for later use in a personal project or to send to a friend. By following a few simple steps, the image can be yours! However, before using any images off the Internet for any purpose other than personal, at-home use, please check for copyright protection and restrictions. Now, on to saving great pictures!
1. Right click on the image you’d like to save. A pop-up menu will appear. For our purposes, let practice on the image below.
2. From the menu select “Save Picture [or Image] As.” A “Save Picture” window will appear.
3. Pick a storage location. Now you must decide where to store the image. The most likely place to save it would be in your “Pictures” folder (located in your “Libraries” folder). Once you know where you want to store the image, make sure that location is displayed in the pathway box at the top of the Save Picture window. If it is not, you will need to browse to the location and open it by using either the drop-down menus in the pathway box or the icons on the left (Desktop, Documents, Computer, etc.).
4. Name the image. Often the image you want to save has an odd or non-descriptive name, such as “image5.jpg.” In this case you may want to give it your own descriptive name so you’ll be able to easily identify it later. To rename the image highlight the current name in the “File name:” text box and type a new one.
5. Click “Save.” Now the image should be stored on your computer in the location you specified and ready for you to use.