Is it your website? It’s time to eat the frog.
Some credit Mark Twain with saying,
Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. If you have two frogs, eat the biggest one first.
Others claim that it was actually Nicolas Chamfort, a witty 18th century French writer, that first talked about eating frogs for breakfast. Regardless of who said it, the takeaway is helpful—that is, do the hardest thing first, and the rest of the day is better/more productive because you know the worst is over. Best-selling author, Brian Tracy, ran with the idea in his book Eat That Frog, offering guidance to overcome procrastination and get more done in less time.
It doesn’t matter who said it. The message is solid, and, let’s face it, frog imagery is cute.
Your Website Frog
Is our friend in the picture above looking at you? Is your business website the item on your to-do list that just keeps dropping to the bottom and gathering dust? We understand. There are other things that require your attention, other fires to fight, and a list of issues that feel more pressing. However, when you suspect that your website needs some love, and you put it off long enough, you end up with a big-ole-giant-toad-of-a-frog, instead of just a cute little tree-frog-of-a-frog. So many frogs—sorry.
The point is: for many small businesses, getting your website’s content up-to-date and undergoing a complete redesign on a reasonable schedule are prime targets for procrastination. We tackled this topic earlier this year when we challenged you to find the date that your current website launched.
You don’t think you have time for this particular frog? Procrastination has a real cost to your business. Your first impression to the world is, in most cases, your website. When you neglect your online image, you present your business as out-of-date, hard-to-use, and less attractive. These are not the adjectives we strive for as business owners.
Tastes Like Chicken
So, eat the frog! The new year is a great time to commit to making those updates. The good news is you don’t have to eat it all by yourself. If you have the right web partner and support team, the task that seems too arduous to process, can be both achievable and enjoyable. So, let’s get started and batter up that frog.