The new year, of course, is a time to reflect on your goals and make positive changes that will help you reach them. For many, this means setting a personal goal to break a bad habit or form a positive one. But for small business owners, the new year can serve as a regular reminder to take stock of their business and make changes toward taking their company to new heights.
But how do you actually accomplish your new year’s resolutions? Studies show that only 8% of people uphold their new year’s goals. Often because the aspirations are too lofty and broad,such as “eat healthier.” When trying to make positive changes, it helps to set goals that are realistic and specific, such as “eat one serving of green vegetables per day.” That’s why we’re sharing with you some actionable goals you can set this year for growing your business in 2021.
1. Examine Your Social Media Performance
Does your business have a consistent and professional social media presence? If not, make a commitment to post at least 2 times per week on at least 2 social media networks. (Pro tip: you can use a scheduling tool such as Planoly or Later to schedule the posts in advance).
2. Implement Email Marketing Systems
Email is a highly cost effective way to connect directly with your current customers in a place they visit everyday — their inbox. It’s a no-brainer, really. Figure out what email marketing would look like for your business and then make it happen.
3. Update Your Website
Your website is your brand’s digital storefront. Make sure you are making the right impression with a modern and functional website that is regularly updated with fresh content. Start the year by making any necessary changes to your site and then commit to posting new content at least twice per month.
4. Start Delegating
You may be a business owner, but you are also a human who is bound by linear time. That is to say, you can only do so much in a day and, at some point, you will need to delegate tasks so that you can spend your time elsewhere. Start the new year off right by taking at least one thing off your plate – whether that means passing off a responsibility to someone within your company or outsourcing something.
Make 2021 the year you take your business to the next level by adopting one or more of these practices! Need help putting your new commitments into action?
(This would be an example of delegating).